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House of Marley Get Together Duo Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers - Sustainably Crafted, Wireless Turntable Speakers, Mains Powered or 25 Hours Battery Life, AUX in - Amazon Exclusive Black Edition

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상품가격 $169.99
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AMAZON EXCLUSIVE: These Dual Bluetooth Bookshelf speakers exclusively available on Amazon can be paired with any Bluetooth enabled devices. From vinyl to digital, play anything you likeAN ECO-FRIENDLY FAVOURITE WITH 2-YEAR GUARANTEE: Full-range, rich stereo sound for an unmatched listening experience with a little help from the "Best Sustainable Speakers" according to Rolling StoneTRUE WIRELESS: The speakers (containing a rating of Bass 2*15W each) sync together automatically and deliver a strong output. The 2*5W tweeters ensure all the details stay crisp and clearLONG-LASTING PLAYBACK: The best of both worlds. One speaker is a wired, plug-in speaker (with built-in RCA and AUX inputs), and the other is rechargeable for life on the move (25-hour playtime)SUSTAINABLY CRAFTED: The Get Together Duo speakers are crafted from bamboo and REWIND Fabric, a balanced blend of 30% reclaimed organic cotton, 30% reclaimed hemp and 40% recycled PET

2024-06-07 18:39:14

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