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KNIX Super Leakproof No-Show High Rise - Period Underwear for Women - Black

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상품가격 $75.00
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Introducing Leakproof No-Show High Rise, the most absorbent period underwear ever as it holds up to 8 tampons worth. Switch from relying on disposable products to wearing incredibly comfortable and machine-washable cheeky underwear that will protect you every day of your cycle! The gusset is our built-in liner that absorbs up to 8 tampons worth of liquid, and is 22 cm long in this style. It’s quick-drying, bulk-free, and the top layer next to the skin is made with modal seaweed fabric. Knix created Leakproof Underwear to be a sustainable alternative to your usual single-use pad and tampon monthly routine. With different absorbency levels that help reduce your period footprint, Leakproof Underwear are an eco-friendly and reusable replacement for disposable period products. It’s time that all of us lived unapologetically free. Free from judgment. Free from self-doubt. Free to be yourself. That’s why all our products, from the most comfortable wireless bras to super absorbent underwear, are designed to make you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Using patented technology, cutting-edge processes, and human-centric design, we’re creating products unlike anything you’ve ever worn. Whether it’s lightweight anti-chafing shorts, wireless bras that are sexy and supportive, or overnight period protection, we want you to be able to find something that transforms how you feel. At Knix, we aim to empower people and reduce environmental degradation by taking into consideration our impacts throughout production, transportation and consumption. Although we don’t have all of the answers yet, we believe that making progress is better than waiting for perfection. We are transforming an underwear market that had too much frill and not enough function, so you can always feel your best at any stage of life.

2024-09-28 21:57:10

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