해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
10 Sets of Standard Size Piston Rings for 74" Panhead/Shovelhead Compatible with Harley Davidson

상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Motorcycle & Powersports
브랜드 Brand: Generic
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $34.95
상품가격 상세보기

We bought 12 tractor trailer loads of motorcycle parts inventory from Dixie International / Dixie Distributing when they liquidated their entire inventory. You are purchasing 10 sets of rings; enough to do 10 engines, off of the pallet that you see in the pictures. The part # on the box is #C11228R. As you can see in the pictures, we found that part number in an old Dixie Distributing catalog. That part number is for 1955 and later FLH model Harley-Davidson. That would be the big twin and not Sportster. According to our parts manager, it only goes up to 1983. These rings are for Panhead and Shovelhead engines. In 1984 they came out with the evolution big twin engine that superseded those models. These rings are Standard size from the stock bore size of 3 7/16 for the 74 inch (1200cc) engine. The stock bore for the 80" is 3.50" so these rings would not work on the 80". These are new piston rings but have been sitting in a warehouse for decades so don\'t expect the boxes to be in pristine condition.

2024-10-02 15:56:40

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