해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ionic Salon Hair Dryer, Professional Blow Dryer 2200W AC Motor Fast Drying with 2 Speed, 3 Heat Setting, Cool Button, with Diffuser, Nozzle, Concentrator Comb for Curly and Straight Hair

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상품가격 $119.99
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?【Say Goodbye to Frizz】Faszin ionic hairdryer adopts Plasma dual ionic system and blue light technology, hydrate 40-90 MILLION negative ions/cm³, boosts your hair\'s shine and smoothness by up to 30%, and decrease frizz and dryness, give your healthy hair.?【2X Fast Drying WIND-PRO Tech】Engineered with powerful WINDPRO airflow technology, the blow dryer\'s wind speed upgrades to 29m/s, 2 times faster than regular hairdryers, reducing drying time in half. Precise drying with no extreme heat damage.?【7 Drying Modes】 3 precise heat settings(high/medium/low), 2 speed settings (mild/fast), and 1 Cool Button, Faszin hair dryer lets you find the flawless drying combination for different hair styles and types.?【9/10 Recommend us】6 professional accessories let you create a whole range of styles, 98 users tested styling comb. 93% rated it as a PROFESSIONAL, SALON-GRADE BLOWOUTS. 97% liked the concentrator for precision styling. 90% liked the diffuser for defining curls and waves. Others liked the Wide-tooth comb for afro hair.?【Developed with stylists. Engineered by Faszin】Designed by top German engineers, listening to the customers: the handle is designed to hold comfortably and securely; the hanging loop is easy to store; the removable filter for easy cleaning; 98 inch ideal length cable, reach to style your family or client hair from any angle.

2024-07-11 08:01:05

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