해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Generic Suction Plates for Baby - Light Grey - 5 PCS SET

상품번호 B0BHY6MNT3
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상품구분 Baby Products / Feeding
브랜드 Brand: Generic
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $18.99
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SELF FEEDING SET - This baby plates with suction promotes self-feeding and develops motor skills, maximizing your baby feeding experience. Our First Feeding Set helps you transition your baby to self-feeding.KID FRIENDLY DESIGN - The suction base keeps the bowl from sliding or flipping over; Stick easily and firmly on flat surface. The plate suction is suitable for any flat surface. Such as table and counter surfaces, perfect for most highchair trays or tablesEASY TO CLEAN - Dishwasher and microwave safe. Silicone can withstand low and high temperatures, easily transitioning from the refrigerator or freezer to the oven or microwave. They’re naturally odor and stain-resistant.SAFE TO USE – Our plates are made with 100% food grade silicone, contains zero PVC , BPA, phthalates, or other harmful chemicals– there are no additives or fillers. Silicone does not contain any petroleum-based plastics or toxic chemicals like those found in plastics.PACKAGE - This cartoon baby feeding supplies comes with 1 baby suction plate bowl, 1 fork and 1 spoon for self eating, and 1 divided plate into 3 parts. It comes in six different colors: Mustard, Rose Quartz, Navy Blue, Light Grey, Paule Mauve and Camel
The ORQUI bear silicone plates are designed with toddlers in mind. Our Silicone First Feeding Set helps you to transition your baby to self-feeding. The suction base keeps the bowl from sliding or flipping over. Stop plate throwing and spilling with this baby and toddler essential Because your baby deserves the best; this mealtime plate is constructed from safe BPA-free PVC-free Phthalate-free and Lead-free NO added fillers NO harmful chemicals Made from 100% food-grade silicone. Silicone has a natural resistance to bacteria, making it safe and hygienic The table is not a mess anymore. Get the new ORQUI silicone placemat and start enjoying mealtime! Food Grade Silicone Divided Design Unbreakable Dishwasher Friendly Microwave Friendly Boil-proof Fun Color Options The Toddler Silicone Plate is excellent for babies and toddlers of all ages!

2024-02-13 10:29:22

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