해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Northwest Yellowstone Beach Towel,Cotton, 30" x 60", Aztec Stripe

상품번호 B0BJ16MX3F
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상품가격 $19.99
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52% Cotton, 48% PolyesterBECOME A TRUE FAN: Add some fun & fashion to your wardrobe with our decorative beach towel. With fun designs featuring your favorite sports teams and characters from film and television, this towel is perfect for lying on the beach, lounging near the pool, or just drying off in style after a shower or bath.SOFT & COMFORTABLE: Detailed, beach towel featuring a high quality blend of 52% cotton and 48% polyester, maintains its durability while keeping the wearer cozy.STYLISH AND FUNCTIONAL: With a size of 30" x 60", the beach towel is perfect for children of all ages! Beyond just drying off, the beach towel can be used as a makeshift blanket for nearly any surface, activity or occasion!COMFORT & CARE: Machine wash cold separately using delicate cycle and mild detergent. Do not bleach. Machine dry separately on gentle cycle. Remove promptly. Do not iron. Easy to maintain and keep looking fresh and new no matter how many times you use it.OFFICIALLY LICENSED: All our products are officially licensed, so true fans can trust in their quality & authenticity. The perfect addition to any fan\'s collection — bring your favorite sports teams and characters from film and television into your home and daily life!
There\'s nothing better for bath time or trips to the beach than an Officially Licensed Beach Towel! With a stylish 30" x 60" design, this towel is perfect for both comfort and functionality. Bring it to the beach, a picnic, or even a play date — with the Beach Towel, you can show off your comfort in style for any occasion. Crafted from premium materials, this towel boasts an silky-smooth absorbent blend of 52% cotton and 48% polyester to provide that soft feel while also maintaining durability. Officially licensed, so fans can trust the quality and authenticity. Machine wash cold separately using delicate cycle and mild detergent. Do not bleach. Machine dry separately on gentle cycle. Remove promptly. Do not iron. Easy to keep looking fresh and new no matter how many times you use it. Add a touch of excitement and style to your wardrobe with our amazing beach towels today!

2024-04-04 18:56:11

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