해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Teema Large Turkish Beach Towel - 100% Turkish Cotton - Sand Free - Fast Drying - Versatile and Multi-Use - The Shoreline (Colorful)

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상품가격 $50.00
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100% TURKISH COTTON – Made authentically in Turkey with 100% Turkish Cotton, Teemas are OEKO-TEX Certified and free from over 100 harmful ingredients.SAND-FREE + FAST-DRYING - Complete with sand-resistant and fast-drying technology, choosing Teema means you aren\'t bringing any sand home, and your towel is drying 3x faster than a bulky terry cloth towel!MULTI USE + VERSATILE - Like all of our Turkish towels and blankets, the flat woven nature makes Teema extremely versatile and they easily double as a blanket, throw, scarf, shawl, hair wrap, home decor, yoga mat, picnic blanket, baby sling, travel accessory, easy gift and more! The possibilities are endless!MAKE THE SUSTAINABLE SWITCH - Less resources, less material, and less energy are needed to create a Teema, and once you own one it will take less power + energy to care for. Made with high-quality materials + practices that are designed to last, Teema is more than \'just a towel\', only adding to its sustainability factor.THE PERFECT GIFT - Ditch the same old candle, bottle of wine, or gift card, and make Teema your new go-to gifting option! Because Teema is so multi-use and versatile, you can gift it to anyone and everyone in your life. Over 17 styles, colors and weave-types to choose from, there is something for everyone.

2024-04-04 18:48:15

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