해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
COZYART Twin Size Faux Fur Throw Blanket for Bed - 60"x80" Sage Green Super Soft Plush Luxurious and Elegant with Comfy Reversible Microfiber Fluffy Large Blankets for Bed Home Decorative

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상품가격 $25.99
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UPGRADE TECHNOLOGY: Reduce the fuzzy from the blanket shedding - Compared to other couch throw blankets with issues of shedding, Our unique technology allows us to reduce faux fur shedding on the furry blanket throw to increase its lifespan.PREMIUM QUALITY MATERIAL: COZYART blankets are made of 100% high-quality polyester microfiber. These fluffy blankets are extremely soft, and breathable. The front is made from high-grade 350 GSM faux rabbit fur to provide the luxurious feel of real fur, and the Reverse is made from Polyester for optimal coziness and warmth when in use.OVERSIZED THROW BLANKET: 60"x 80". The COZYART fuzzy blankets come in a variety of tones. They will be perfect for a throw blanket for bedding, and a decorative throw for a couch. Drape this navy blue throw blanket over a couch, bed, or chair to add an elegant look to your living room or bedroom. Whether you want to soften your home with a plush throw blanket or want a cozy blanket to snuggle up with on those chilly days and nights, this throw is you need.PERFECT GIFT: Express your love and appreciation by sending a comfortable gift to family and friends. It fits any age and will keep them warm and comfortable. Whether you are shopping for a wedding, housewarming, Christmas, birthday, or any other occasion, this cozy blanket is a perfect gift. Think of this as wrapping your loved ones in this super soft blanket and putting your loved ones in a nice, cozy place, like a fantastic dream.Cleaning instructions & Customer Service - The COZYART faux fur blanket of unique craft allows it to wash in the washing machine. when washing this fuzzy throw blanket, machine washes with cold water and gentle detergent, separately, do not bleach or iron, then air dry. We value your feedback and want to hear from you. If you have any questions about your order, please contact us, and we will solve the problem.

2024-02-13 22:50:13

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