해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tersus TSG Motorcycle Throttle & Grip Kit | Fine Knurled Malleus Machined Grips & Acerus Single Cable Throttle Assembly | Fit Shadow VLX600, VT600, Rebel, and Sabre Models

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상품가격 $284.21
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SINGLE CABLE THROTTLE ASSEMBLY- The Acerus single cable throttle assembly for Shadow bikes is machined from billet aluminum, and made to work seamlessly with the stock Shadow throttle pull cable. That\'s right! You do not need to run a push cable!. The throttle sleeve tube fits most throttle cables and the clutch side grip and sleeve tube will work with all 1" handlebars.THE TERSUS TSG - The Tersus TSG (throttle and steering grip kit) motorcycle grips are the perfect choice for your bobber or chopper build! A throttle sleeve & clutch grip is the simplest way to set up your handlebars, no need for grips that will wear out or need replacing! Upgrade your motorcycle grips to the "knurly" malleus grips\' all-in-one kit.DESIGN- Our handlebar hand grips are easy to install no need for any interruption. The motorcycle throttle & grip kit are machined from 6061 aluminum and anodized with beautiful knurling, not too extreme, just enough to provide a solid hold!COMPATIBILITY – These throttle twist grips kit does not need to be replaced frequently, strong and durable. We recommend using a tiny bit of red thread-locker on the set screws of the clutch side grip. We advise using a bit of lubricant inside the throttle assembly and under the throttle sleeve for smooth twist action and prolonged life of the parts.HAVE QUESTIONS? We are happy to help you with your questions. We welcome your questions and input! We are willing for the satisfaction of our customers because the customer is our first priority. Not only if you have any kind of problem regarding our product we will fully cooperate and solve your problem.

2025-02-05 16:53:58

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