해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Triple Protection Bracelet - for Protect & Balance - Energy Crystal Bracelets for Men Women - Bring Good Luck & Prosperity - Tiger Eye Hematite & Black Obsidian Jewelry Natural Stone Healing Bracelet

상품번호 B0BKPXM1D8
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상품구분 Handmade Products / Jewelry
브랜드 Brand: LEFYR
판매자 미확인
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상품가격 $11.99
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What is the Triple Protection Bracelet: The Triple Protection Bracelet is a protective charm worn to counter negative energy. It is made of three of the most powerful protective crystals known today: black obsidian, hematite, and tiger\'s eye. These crystals work together to shield you from negativity and promote positivityThe Meaning of Each Crystal: The Sleep Bracelet gets its name from the threefold meaning of each crystal. The black obsidian stone protects against toxic behaviors and misfortune.The tiger\'s eye crystal shields against malicious intentions and the evil eye. Finally, the hematite stone transforms unwanted energy into positive vibrationsTriple Protection Bracelet Benefits: Thanks to the protective qualities of black obsidian, this bracelet can shield you from other people\'s negative energy that could drain you. The tiger\'s eye beads in this charm also boost your defenses against the energy of envy.By wearing the hematite stone, it will helps shift negative vibrations into positive onesWhich Hand To Wear the Triple Protection Bracelet: Wear the triple protection bracelet on your left hand. In oriental beliefs, the left side of the body is associated with receiving energy. By wearing triple protection bracelet on your left hand, you open yourself up to receiving the bracelet\'s protective and healing energiesWear This Protection Stone Bracelet Now: The Triple Protection Bracelet is an excellent way to enjoy the benefits of three protective crystals. It\'s also a beautiful piece of jewelry that you\'ll love wearing every day. So, stop exposing yourself to negative energy. Get yourself a Triple Protection Bracelet now and enjoy the peace of mind it brings
In a world filled with negative energy, you need spiritual protection. And nothing does it better than the Triple Protection Bracelet. Many consider it the best protection bracelet because of its three powerful symbols. Each symbol holds a different meaning and benefit that can help keep you safe at all times. Our Triple Protection Bracelet is composed of 14 Tiger Eye beads, 12 Black Obsidian beads and 12 Hematite beads. These natural stone beads have been carefully selected for their high quality in order to offer you an exceptional jewel both for its aesthetics and for the properties dedicated to each stone. By combining these 3 stones, this Triple Protection Bracelet will act in a complete way by entering into communion to derive the maximum benefit When you wear this protection stone bracelet, you are tapping into the power of these three crystals. Triple Protection Bracelet Benefits It can dispel unwanted energy Thanks to the protective qualities of black obsidian, this bracelet can shield you from other people\'s negative energy that could drain you. It can protect you against malicious intentions The tiger\'s eye beads in this charm also boost your defenses against the energy of envy. It can transform negative vibrations into positive By wearing the hematite stone, you can also change the frequency of your own energy. This helps shift negative vibrations into positive ones. Aside from protective properties, each crystal in this bracelet also has healing qualities. Black obsidian can help dissolve shadow traits, while tiger\'s eye can promote courage and strength. Hematite, on the other hand, is known for its ability to encourage blood circulation and detoxification. It\'s also a beautiful piece of jewelry that you\'ll love wearing every day. So, stop exposing yourself to negative energy. Get yourself a Triple Protection Bracelet now and enjoy the peace of mind it brings.

2024-09-30 16:17:07

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