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MeLE PCG02 Pro Fanless Mini PC Stick J4125 8GB/128GB Windows 11 Pro Micro Computer Stick Dual HDMI 4K Wi-Fi5 Gigabit Ethernet BT4.2 Support SSD,USB PD3.0 on Business Office Industrial IOT Media Home

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상품가격 $179.99
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USB PD3.0 enabled - Use your slim and portable PCG02 Pro small compute stick to stream, browse and multitask from anywhere, at anytime with ease thanks to the USB C port with USB PD3.0 technology. This stick pc can be powered by power bank, power station and any other power sources that the power is over 24W and voltage is range of 12V-23V.(The power adapter provided is a DC 12V/2A, will not able to charge for other devices)Dual HDMI2.0 4K@60Hz Display - More productive and effective than PCG02 computer stick,this PCG02 Pro model built in 2x HDMI ports. They support 4K@60fps output from two different or duplicate displays, allowing you to deal with multiple tasks and projects easily at the same time, and is ideal for visually home video also.J4125 CPU and Windows 11 Pro - Power by Quad-Core Gemini Lake J4125, 2.0 GHz base frequency, up to 2.7 GHz on Windows 11,support Linux,Ubuntu,Debian as well. The portable stick computer offers a versatile alternative to conventional bulky desktop computers, is an ideal, affordable mini computer for home, office and work application.Upgraded Powerful Storage - The PCG02 Pro hdmi stick pc equipped with 8GB of 2133MHz DDR4 RAM, 128GB stable eMMC, maintained the Micro SD port support expanding up to 2TB and an additional M.2 22x80 Key M Slot for PCIe2.0 x2 is added, supports storage upgrades up to 5TB.Opened BIOS for Business - This small computer features an unlocked BIOS support you to tune the computer very finely, it supports booting from Network, USB, UEFI, Wake on LAN / PXE/ iPXE/ Auto Power on/ RTC Wake, perfect for digital signage, billboard, shop, hotel, factory and industrial IOT Applications.

2024-04-04 19:45:59

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