해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Veise Keyless Entry Door Lock with 2 Lever Handles - Electronic Keypad Deadbolt, Auto Lock, Easy Installation Digital Smart Code Door Lock, Front Door Lock Set, Satin Nickel

상품번호 B0BL7YKW29
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상품가격 $89.99
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Keyless Entry: With twenty password code + two spare keys + one-time password for temporary visitors, the one-time code will automatically deleted after useAuto-Lock & One-touch Lock: Set up the front door lock to automatically lock after 10-99 seconds. Additionally, you can use the \'one-touch lock\' feature by pressing any number for two seconds to lock from the outside, perfect for quick accessKeypad door lock with handle: The deadbolt combined with two mating lever handles, has backlit keypad and low battery alert, mute mode and vacation mode, water resistant, go perfectly with both traditional and modern houseSecurity Keypad Deadbolt: The ANSI Grade 3 smart door lock was made with sturdy lock cylinder and alloy, powered by four AA batteries, work last for more than one yearEasy to Install: Just with a screwdriver, the door lock will be easily installed and program all by yourself in several minutes, compatible with all American standard left and right handed doors

2024-10-01 21:40:21

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