해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Book Stand for Reading, Adjustable Holder with 360° Rotating Base & Page Clips, Foldable Desktop Ricer for Cookbook,Sheet Music,Laptop,Recipe,Textbook,Hands Free,Wood,Aluminium

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상품가격 $39.97
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【ERGONOMIC BOOK STAND for READING】-Amasrich Adjustable Book Holder with multi angles and heights elevate the book to fit your Eye-Leve, promote proper posture for better spinal health,eliminate eyes, neck, back and shoulder fatigue or pain,improve concentration and study efficiency, prolong reading time.【NATURAL AESTHETICS】 - Board made of natural wood, provides more enjoyable reading. Struts and base made of high-quality lightweight aluminum alloy. Anodied coating offers long-lasting protection against rust & corrosion. Suitable for study, classroom, library, music room, kitchen, office, etc.【ADJUSTABLE BOOK STAND with 360° ROTATING BASE】 - Make it easier to share ideas or show case. The unique design with non-slip pad allows you to communicate without leaving work positions. Great for discussing homework, reading together, sharing project content, and video conferencing.【WIDE BOARD with 2 FLEXIBLE PAPER CLIPS】- keeps book opening, the rubber tips prevent paper damage. Amasrich Multi-functional cookbook holder suitable different sizes and styles of books, tablets, magazines, drawings, sheet music, fingerings, laptops. Perfect for students, teachers, long-time readers.??【NO INSTALLATION REQUIRED - ??? ???? ???? ??? ???????.】 Foldable Design makes it easy to fit in drawers, or show books & pictures. Perfect for family, friends, colleagues, especially those who love to cook, craft, read or watch videos, also for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.SUPPORTED WITH 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. 30 Day Free Retrun. ?????-???? ????????.Note: The metal arms take some effort to move up and down, but that\'s a good thing. This is designed to easily support large books. Holds up to 22 lbs.? ?????? ???????????

2024-07-10 10:09:37

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