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Evenflo Gold Revolve360 Slim 2-in-1 Rotational Car Seat with SensorSafe (Obsidian Black)

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상품가격 $350.00
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MAXIMIZE SPACE IN YOUR BACKSEAT: Features a streamlined 16.7 in. footprint to save space for passengers without sacrificing safety, comfort or styleGET IN AND OUT EFFORTLESSLY: One-hand, 360 degree rotation makes it a breeze to get your child in and out of the car — an award-winning innovation that keeps on giving.GROW WITH IT: Offers rear-facing mode for children weighing from 4 lb to 50 lb (17 in. to 48 in.) and forward-facing mode for children weighing from 22 lb to 65 lb (28 in. to 49 in.)CONNECT TO YOUR CHILD WITH SENSORSAFE: Provides real-time alerts to four potentially unsafe conditions from your child’s car seat — unexpected chest clip unbuckling, temperature too hot or too cold in the car, child unattended in the car, and child seated too longEXTEND REAR-FACING USE: Allows you to keep your child rear-facing longer as recommended by child safety experts — all the way up to 50 lb.SECURELY INSTALL WITH EASE: Install the Revolve360 once for rear-facing and forward-facing — Sure360 Safety Installation System with LockStrong and Tether360 make installation safe, secure and simple
Got a compact vehicle and a little one on the way? Check out the Evenflo® Revolve360™ Slim 2-in-1 Rotational Car Seat with SensorSafe™! We slimmed the exterior of our revolutionary car seat to create a 16.7” footprint without sacrificing your child’s seating space or safety. Fit more of what you love into your backseat with more room for passengers and your growing family!

2024-10-02 21:47:39

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