해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Max & Lily Twin Over Twin Low Bunk Bed with Ladder, Wooden Bunk beds with 14” Safety Guardrail for Kids,Toddlers, Boys, Girls, Teens, Bedroom Furniture, Pecan

상품번호 B0BLQG62HX
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상품가격 275.99
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Sturdy & Space-Saving Design: Crafted with solid New Zealand pine wood, this low bunk bed ensures durability and maximizes room space in style. The non-toxic, low VOC neutral color finish promotes a healthier indoor environment, ensuring the well-being of you.Kid-Friendly Features: The 50-inch height and 2-inch underbed clearance make this twin bunk bed safe for younger children, while 14-inch tall guardrails provide security for the top bunk. Strong plywood slats with a metal support bar and secure metal-on-metal bolt connections which are capable of supporting up to 400 lbs. per sleeping surface.Versatile Ladder Placement: Install the ladder on the left or right side to fit your room layout perfectly with the comprehensive instruction manual; Slatted headboards and flush hardware lend a clean, modern touch.Easy Assembly: Experience hassle-free assembly with the included hardware and comprehensive instruction manual, allowing you to effortlessly install this product in your home. When it\'s time to relocate, disassembling the bed is a breeze for a smooth and convenient move to your new place.Ideal for Smaller Spaces: With dimensions of 81.5”L x 54.25”W x 50”H, this low-profile bunk bed offers exceptional quality and affordability for years of enjoyment. We recommend using a standard twin size mattress of 5" thickness not exceeding 8"
Introducing the Max & Lily Twin Over Twin Low Bunk Bed – where functionality meets style for both kids and parents. Built with solid, knot-free New Zealand pine wood, this low bunk bed effortlessly balances fun and durability. The low-profile design, standing at only 50 inches high, is perfect for compact spaces and younger children, with the bottom bunk just two inches off the floor for added safety. Safety is paramount – the top bunk features tall 14-inch guardrails, making it compatible with standard mattress sizes. The angled ladder with rounded edges offers easy, secure access and can be installed on either side of the bunk to suit your room layout. The bed\'s sleek, modern look is accentuated by flush, color-matched hardware and slatted headboards and footboards. The non-toxic, low-VOC finish promotes a clean and healthy sleep environment. Assembly is a breeze with included tools and instructions, and the sturdy build ensures stability. With plywood slats, metal support bar, and secure bolt connections, each sleeping surface can hold up to 400 lbs. Max & Lily is committed to safety and quality. This low bunk bed meets or exceeds Federal safety standards for kids\' furniture. Optimize floor space by stacking two sleeping surfaces and, if desired, enhance with playful curtains (sold separately). Make bedtime an adventure with the Max & Lily Twin Over Twin Low Bunk Bed – a testament to quality, safety, and style. Max & Lily is a proud member of the Maxwood family of brands, renowned for superior quality, safety, and fun in kids\' furniture. Choose a bunk bed that both parents and kids will adore for years to come.

2024-09-05 04:13:47

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