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CarX Scented Car Cleaning Gel for Detailing - Pack of 2 Biodegradable Slime for Cleaning Car Interior - Perfect Keyboard Cleaner Gel to Make Your Car Shine - Auto Interior Cleaner (5.6oz/pcs)

상품번호 B0BLQP4VW9
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상품구분 Automotive / Car Care
브랜드 Brand: CarX
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $9.98
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Your Scented Cleaning Companion - Our car cleaner interior is the perfect solution for cleaning all crannies in your vehicle. With this car must haves, you can get into the gaps and little crevices on the car, pick up dust, debris, pet hair, etc. Each pack includes four scents; Apple, Orange, Lemon, and Clen Linen.Single Solution for All Cleaning Problems - Our multi-purpose cleaning slime is a great solution to help clean your keyboard, mouse, calculator, screen, game controller, fan frame, and more. Use cleaning putty for car detailing on the surface.Made of Natural Material - Ooey Gooey Car cleaning supplies are biodegradable and made of natural materials. It is convenient to use, helps you to clean any surface inside and outside easily, and provides a light shine finish with excellent protection against the elements. Our cleaning gel for car detailing is 5.6oz each, ensuring enough supply in a single pack.Easy to Use - Cleaning dust particles can be hard at times. But with this dust-cleaning gel, you can clean any surface easily, quickly, and effectively in no time. Apply on the surface and leave it for a few seconds for best results and gently remove it from the surface; IT\'S THAT EASY!Buy With Confidence - Buy this car putty for cleaning with complete confidence in safety and security. Caring for your car is not just about keeping it clean but also ensuring it\'s safe for everyone. Make the wise decision today!
Car X car cleaning putty reusable is the perfect car dusting gel. Our cleaning slime for vehicle works as a reusable, multi-use cleaner that is used in multiple locations on your vehicle\'s interior: dashboards, door jam and cracks, windows, and anywhere dirt accumulates. This cleaning gel for car can not only clean but also leave a fabulous matte finish for an easier wipe-down during those messy times. HOW TO USE IT? Step 1: Knead the cleaning goop for car several times and put it into any suitable shape before cleaning. Step 2: Gently push the car gel cleaner to the surface of requiring to cleaning items and press and roll slightly. Step 3: Pull it up slowly; the gel will remove the dirt. Step 4:Put the cleaning putty for car interior back into the package and keep it after use. INSTRUCTIONS 1- When the car cleaning kit color is darker and dirty, replace it with a new one. 2- Do not wash the car cleaner slime with any other product. 3- Inedible keyboard cleaner putty; keep the car slime cleaner for the car away from children. 4-Keep the car jelly cleaner away from high temperatures. 5- Slime car cleaner is suitable for all devices and surfaces (except carpets, fabrics, and cloth) Oooey Gooey Car Cleaning Gel provides a powerful force at its disposal to clean almost anywhere; buy today with complete confidence!

2024-10-02 11:31:11

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