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Ring Peephole Cam - Smart video doorbell, HD video, 2-way talk, easy installation

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상품가격 $129.99
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Upgrade your door’s peephole with a 1080p HD video doorbell that enables you to see, hear, and speak to visitors from anywhere.Get alerts on your phone, tablet, and PC when anyone knocks on your door, presses the doorbell button, or triggers the motion sensors.Peephole Cam is easy to install and comes with all the tools you need to replace your peephole in under 5 minutes; no wiring or drilling required.Connect your Ring doorbell with Alexa to hear announcements on your compatible Echo device when your doorbell is pressed and see a live view of your camera if you have an Echo device with a screen. Talk to visitors by saying “Alexa, talk to the front door.”Advanced Motion Detection lets you easily adjust the built-in motion sensors to focus on and detect what’s important to you.Always know when you have a delivery and tell the courier to place your packages in an ideal location.With a Ring Protect Plan (subscription sold separately), record all your videos, review what you missed for up to 180 days, and share videos and photos.

2024-09-05 22:23:04

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