해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Gastody™- Long Sleeve Gardening Gloves, Multipurpose Heavy Duty Outdoor and Indoor,Thorn Proof Gardening Gloves, S M L XL

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상품가격 $18.99
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Extraordinary! We go to great lengths for our customers. These well-designed gloves fit snugly to help protect hands, wrists, and arms from all potential hazards. Comfortable to wear, they feature an elasticated, breathable polyester back and nitrile-coated palms and fingers, which offer extra protection if you’re pruning and clearing borders. They feel well-made and sturdy, with stretchy cuffs, meaning they’re easy to get on and off. These are great all-purpose gardening gloves with extra padding and a tailored fit - a must for everyday use! A stretchy polyester sleeve and smooth nitrile-coated palms coating make these gloves ideal for cleaning, grooming, yardwork, lifting furniture, agriculture, farming, construction, forestry, the assembly line, appliance installation, mechanical manufacturing, renovations, and housework, in addition to gardening chores. The fabric helps reduce the buildup of heat so you can wear them more comfortable for longer. They\'re super versatile, waterproof, and thin enough to allow you to grip small items as well. These durable gloves feature a sturdy design and are more than up to the challenge of a variety of outdoor and indoor chores. The gloves provide a balance of comfort, functionality, and style, while sizes range from small to extra-large for both men and women.

2024-06-07 10:03:20

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