해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Si4732 ATS-25AMP Portable Shortwave Radio Receiver, GOOZEEZOO V4.17 Full Band Radio Receiver Adds CW, RTTY Decoding Function WiFi Function FM LW AM SSB DIGI CW RDS

상품번호 B0BM97LBZW
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상품가격 $115.99
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Latest Version 4.17: ATS-25AMP version 4.17, the newest official firmware, is a collaborative development with the original author from Russia. It supports upgrades and introduces a personalized interface. Stay up-to-date with the latest features and improvements. The AMP version brings significant improvements compared to its predecessorNew Features: The ATS-25AMP shortwave radio receiver adds 4 NEW Modes: DIGI, CWR, SYNC L, SYNC U, meeting the SWL listening needsWIFI Function: The latest 4.17 version of ATS-25AMP has its own wifi login option for direct internet connectivity. The WIFI icon will be displayed on the pageEasy to Operate: Featuring a 2.4-inch color screen (320x240 resolution) with adjustable brightness, the device offers enhanced readability. The screen can be rotated and it has a large encoder turning knob for effortless operationGood Loud Clear Audio: The multi-band radio receiver includes a 3-inch external magnetic full-frequency stereo speaker, ensuring superior sound quality. Headphones can also be used for stereo programs within the FM broadcasting range, acting as an FM antennaUSB-C Charging Port: With a USB-C charging port and a large 3000mAh rechargeable battery, the device can last for more than 10 hours. Perfect for on-the-road applicationsSmall Footprint: Sized at 7x6x3 inches, the ham radio receiver is highly portable and fits easily into a backpack. Ideal for shortwave listeners and professionals on the moveNOTE: The tuning direction can be changed in the settings, SETUP-Encode reverse. The product has already entered a key, so there is no need to re-enter it for future upgrades. Open the INFO menu and you can find the key.

2024-07-10 11:53:13

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