해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Octopod Silicone Baby Suction Bowl With Lid - Toddler & Baby Bowls, Baby Food Containers, Spill Proof Bowls For Toddlers, Suction Baby Bowls With Lids, Food Grade Silicone Baby Bowl (Sage Green)

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상품가격 $13.99
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MESS-FREE BABY BOWL: Make mealtimes a fun learning experience for your toddler without the mess with our suction cup bowls for babies. Keep your baby\'s food where they\'re supposed to be without worrying about spilling. Our baby bowls are a great way to help your little one learn self-feeding skills. Our baby silicone bowl also features a lid to keep food fresh and free from contamination!DESIGNED FOR ERGONOMICS: Food and feeding time can be messy. Thanks to our ergonomically designed self-feeding bowl for babies, eating becomes easier and more fun for your babies. Don\'t stress about the mess! Our baby bowls with suction keep your baby\'s food from spilling. With its convenient size of 4.8" x 4.5" x 2.7", our baby bowl can easily fit any brand of highchair. Our microwave safe bowls with lids for toddlers are also temperature-resistant, so you can heat up your baby\'s food safely.BABY-SAFE FEEDING BOWLS: As parents, we want to make sure that everything our child uses is safe, especially ones that involve food. This is why we designed this Octopod bowl with your baby\'s safety in mind. We take pride in offering baby food bowls made from food-safe silicone. Our toddler suction bowls are also BPA-free, phthalate-free, PVC-free, lead-free, and conform to all US and European safety standards for children.EASY-MAINTENANCE: Our suction bowls for baby make sure that mealtimes are less messy and after-meal clean ups are a breeze. Our silicone baby bowls are not only great for keeping your baby\'s food in place, but they are also easy to clean and maintain. Our bowls for baby food are dishwasher-safe, so you can keep them clean with little effort. All you\'ll have to do is to keep these baby suction bowls away from sharp objects and avoid using abrasive cleaning products on them.MAKING PARENTING A LITTLE BIT EASIER: Whether it’s an adjustable high chair you can clean up in a flash, a silicone bib that doubles as a travel cutlery holder, or a comfy, ergonomic baby carrier that can carry your tot around all day, we’re constantly trying to reinvent the standard for innovative baby products. At Abiie, you can enjoy sustainability, meticulous quality, and comfort for both you and your little one.

2024-06-10 12:41:06

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