해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Giantex Bunk Bed Twin Over Full Size, Metal Bunk Bed with Ladder and Steel Frame Support, Space-Saving Triple Bunk Bed for Boys Girls Adults, Noise Free, No Box Spring Needed, Black

상품번호 B0BMM55ZZP
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상품가격 $229.99
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[660 LBS & 440 LBS Metal Construction]: Crafted of heavy-duty steel slats, the twin over full bunk bed shows perfect performance in lasting durability and great sturdiness. The bunk bed consists of a twin bed and full size bed, which can bear up to 440 lbs and 660 lbs respectively.[Easy & Quick Installation]: The kids bunk beds comes with an illustrated manual and necessary hardware to make assembly effortlessly. Besides, our twin over full bunk bed offers an electronic user manual that can be downloaded and zoomed in for detailed viewing, making it easy to follow during installation.Our twin-over-full-size bunk bed is outfitted with noise-reducing strips, effectively minimizing any sounds caused by slat collisions, ensuring a peaceful and uninterrupted night\'s sleep.[Sufficient Under-bed Storage Space]: The height beneath the bunk bed measures 12.5" which leaves you no worry about the lack of place to store or do other activities. Thanks to the ample under-bed space, it can not only satisfies your storage needs, but also brings much convenience to clean the room.[Space Saving Twin over Full Design]: The bunk beds features a twin bed and full-size bed, offering additional sleeping space for guests and ideal for families with multiple children sharing a room. Whether it\'s for a dormitory, kid\'s room, vacation home, cabin, summer camp, or college dorm, our bunk bed is the perfect choice for maximizing space and accommodating sleeping arrangements.[Overall Dimension]: 77.5" x 59" x 71"(L x W x H). The upper twin size bed accommodates 6" thickness mattress while the lower full size bed accommodates 6"-8" thickness mattress (not included) and requires no box spring

2025-01-08 02:30:57

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