해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Textured Self Adhesive Laminating Sheets, Smooth Satin Finish, 2.6 x 3.9 Inches, 4 Mil Thick, 20 Pack, Suited for Business Card Laminating Pouches 2 x 3.5, Self Sealing Lamination Sheets

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상품가격 $9.99
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?SMOOTH SATIN TEXTURE - soft-to-touch, anti-scratch, fingerprint proof finish of matte laminating sheets creates a slick, modern look; exceptional photo-transparency enhances ink colors of business card laminating pouches; anti-glare textured card laminate pouches coating keeps off reflections and halos?4 MIL TEAR AND WEAR SAFEGUARD - La Llama matte laminating pouches are 4 mils thick - fine stiffness for laminating id cards, luggage tags, social security cards, photos, sticker labels, spice labels, food labels, and all kinds of school supplies, mini school supplies & teacher supplies - all using self adhesive laminating sheets?HEAVY-DUTY ADHESIVE - matte laminating sheets for id cards are crafted with pressure-sensitive adhesive - no heat laminating sheets; self stick laminating sheets require no laminating machine, seal papers in split second without peeling, bubbling, or color fading of social security card protector? PROFESSIONAL SELF LAMINATING SHEETS FOR ID CARDS - self seal laminating sheets dimensions: 2.6 x 3.9 inches, 4 mils thick; suitable lamination sheets for social security card protector, id card laminating pouches, card stock; id laminating pouches are UV ray & moisture resistant; sticker labels can be fully waterproof when completely sealed?SCISSORS INCLUDED - cut laminating pouches to 2 x 3.5 inches or smaller; use laminating paper to create gift sticker labels, laminate insurance cards, shipping labels, laminating cards, name badges, bookmarks, and stickers; business card laminating pouches timelessly protect papers & cards from external factors and frequent use

2024-02-13 16:13:34

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