해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
PULI Mens Golf Hybrid Shorts 7 Inch Dress Stretch Hiking Flat Front Quick Dry Lightweight Board Casual Shorts with Pockets

상품번호 B0BMTJG371
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상품가격 $29.99
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Lightweight Golf Shorts for men ensure a comfortable fit, superior movement, and breathability. SHORTS FEATURES Lightweight Quick Dry Breathable UPF 50+ Moisture-Wicking Durable  Stretch STRETCH WAISTBAND The engineered stretch waistband delivers improved fit and mobility; The brushed tricot-lined waistband keeps your shirt tucked in through the golf swing COMFORT FIT A button closure combined with a 7” inseam ensures a comfortable fit while maintaining a classic straight-leg golf shorts look; POCKETS Men\'s dress shorts has 6 pockets, 2 slant pockets, 1 cell phone pocket, 2 welt back pockets & a zipper pocket EASY CARE FABRIC Easy to care for fabric is machine washable with minimal wrinkling or shrinkage OCCASION Suitable for golf, hiking, work, surfing, fishing, outdoor sports, business activities and casual daily wear every day. Careful technology is a good choice for gifts, you can choose to give to your husband, child, family or friends

2024-10-02 13:48:36

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