해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2.5" Leveling Lift Kits for 2011-2023 F250/F350/F450, Suspension Lift Kit 2.5'' Front Strut Coil Spacer with Track Bar Relocation Bracket for F250/F350/F450 Super Duty 4WD Trucks

상품번호 B0BMVF1C5Z
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상품가격 $199.99
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✫【Compatible】Leveling lift kit for 2011-2023 F250/F350/F450 Super Duty (Only 4WD),The maximum tire diameter allowed to be installed in the leveling kit is 35\'\'✫【Benefits】(1)CNC automatic processing ensure high accuracy and stability(0.02mm),Provide accurate hole position for easy installation (2)6061-T6 aluminum forged alloymaterial sturdy and durable (3)Black powder coating provides the best corrosion resistance, thicker steel, firmer and safer (4)High-quality heat treatment grade 12.9 stud, anti-fracture and more durable✫【Function】This leveling lift kit will raise the front wheel height of your car and eliminate the head-down appearance brought by the factory. At the same time, you can install larger wheels to make your pickup look more aggressive✫【Easy Install】Installation can be completed within 2-3 hours,No cutting and drilling required and does not require strut/coil disassembly like other kits✫【Note】 If you have a 3-inch factory stop at the rear of your vehicle, it can only provide a near-horizontal standing on the truck. Some people may be 0.5 inches lower than the real level and only increase by 2 inches✫【 Product Warranty 】 All Richer products are covered by a 2-year warranty period, with no material or workmanship defects for a period of two years from the date of purchase

2024-11-30 11:28:27

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