해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mini Portable Travel Hair Dryer,Dual Voltage Lightweight Blow Dryer with EU Plug,1875W Professional Hairdryer with Folding Handle ,Concentrator Attachment Hair Dryer for Women Men (white)

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상품가격 28.99
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【Lightweight and Foldable】Please ensure the correct voltage is adjusted before use. The DOOAIR travel ionic hair dryer is lightweight and compact with a folding handle, making it easier to store and carry than traditional hair dryers. It reduces the burden on your shoulder during use, allowing you to enjoy hair care worry-free! This appliance saves space and is perfect for use in salons, homes, and during travel.【Professional & Safe Fast Drying】The 1875W professional ionic hair dryer features a powerful AC motor that provides strong wind, drying medium and long hair in only 3 minutes. It\'s the perfect choice for all hair types, including long, short, curly, straight, thin, and thick hair.【Designed for Travel】This travel ionic hair dryer offers dual voltage functionality (125/250V). A small wrench placed on the hook makes it easy to switch to the correct voltage. It comes with a 2-pin EU plug adapter and a storage bag, eliminating the need for additional conversion plugs. It\'s suitable for voltage requirements in most countries and regions worldwide.【Constant Temperature Hair Care】The constant temperature heating technology in this travel-sized ionic hair dryer distributes heat evenly, removing water from the hair\'s surface while locking in moisture for healthy, hydrated hair without frizz or heat damage. This professional-level hair care appliance deeply nourishes and repairs hair scales, making it soft and shiny with long-term use.【Safety Design】Our lightweight ionic hair dryer offers low noise radiation protection and is equipped with an ALCI safety plug and overload automatic power-off safety protection system, making it suitable for all ages. If you have any questions about our hair dryers, feel free to contact us. We\'re happy to assist and look forward to you enjoying our products!

2024-07-11 00:20:38

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