해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Charme Princesse Pigment Permanent Ink Micropigment Cosmetic Pigment Eyebrow Eyeliner Lips Cosmetic Medium Coffee Color Pigment Hand Extruded Pigment 10ml PI603-10-006

상품번호 B0BN54SGYJ
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상품가격 $9.99
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Premium Pigments - All our cosmetic pigments are made Premium Pigments ingredients and are all sterilized upon completion. Each of our 8colors are vegan and cruelty-free pigment ink.the industry’s highest health standards to make.Higher Viscosity-Our brow pigment has a gel consistency for maximum retention inside of each hair stroke. The gel-like consistency also cuts down product waste, slow drying and non-dripping .TRUE COLORS -- Liquid Pigment Eyebrows You can use monochrome, color variety, can also use several deployment, infinite changes, both for the traditional love of individual groups, but also for love avant-garde personality groups, Can be used as Pigment color.Aseptic packaging- permanent ink makeup Powder has been successfully prepared by new grinding technology, faster coloring effect, Using aseptic packaging environment,more safety and healthPigment Ink Color -Red Pigment Permanent Ink ;Red Pigment Permanent Ink ;Tender Pink Pigment Permanent Ink;Flesh Pigment Permanent Ink;Pure Black Pigment Permanent Ink;Dark Coffee Pigment Permanent Ink ;Medium Coffee Pigment Permanent Ink;Light Coffee Pigment Permanent Ink

2024-10-02 18:17:06

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