해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ALPHA LION Pre Workout Powder, Beta Alanine, L-Taurine & Tri-Source Caffeine for Sustained Energy & Focus, Nitric Oxide & Citrulline for Pump (21 Servings, Lion's Blood Flavor)

상품번호 B0BNP5RM4Y
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상품구분 Health & Household / Diet & Sports Nutrition
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상품가격 $44.99
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5 PILLARS OF A PERFECT WORKOUT: We set our own standard of what a perfect pre workout should be, then work to deliver that for you in our pre-workout supplements. This includes 1) Powerful Long Lasting Energy 2) Strength and Endurance 3) Long Lasting Pump 4) Optimizing Performance, and 5) Enhanced Absorption.PUMP + PRE: Most companies sell you a pre-workout and pump as two products. Instead, we dosed this pre-workout with a full pump product of S7 and Citrulline to provide you with a high performance pre workout powder that will provide you with optimal pump, energy, and strength.GREAT TASTING CAFFEINE MATRIX: Our pre workout is powered by our all new SXT Sustained Energy and Focus System. This tri-source caffeine matrix will provide you with more sustained energy and focus vs the standard forms of caffeine used in other pre workout supplements. Our Lion\'s Blood "Red Gummy Bear flavor" will be like enjoying a delicious, top-shelf cocktail drink from a professional mixologist vs taking nasty shots of clearance bin vodka.PREMIUM INGREDIENTS: A performance inspired pre workout made with only the best of the best ingredients. Such as Beta Alanine for training capacity, L-Taurine for cell hydration & electrolyte transport, as well as SantEnergy which may increase breathing, oxygenation, and overall energy and provide you with a pre workout powder with optimum nutrition and benefits for women & men who want to crush their workout!IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: We have updated our serving sizes for our pre-workout powder from 42 to 21. You are still receiving the same amount for your motivation juice, just with a bigger scoop!

2024-02-13 10:04:58

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