해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Patch Magic Adhesive, Girl Scout Patch Adhesive Washable Double-Sided Glue for Scout Badges, Patches, Fabric, and More, Cut-to-Fit Freestyle, No Sew No Iron, 3 Pack

상품번호 B0BNT78PMH
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Arts, Crafts & Sewing / Crafting
브랜드 Brand: Mogseek
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인
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상품가격 $21.99
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Safe and Secure Bond - Crafted from safe materials, our patch adhesive boasts a powerful bond, ensuring your patches stay put securely. Plus, it offers water resistance to some degree and easy removal when needed.Convenient and Effortless - Say goodbye to tedious sewing and ironing - patch magic simply peel and stick for instant results.Bigger Size - Patch magic adhesive is 8.8" x 12" and bigger than other patch adhesive. With our generous sizing and cut-to-fit freestyle, tailor the patches to your exact specifications for a perfect fit every time.Versatile Application - Girl Scout badge adhesive suitable for most fabrics, foam, plastics, metals, woods, and leather. An excellent way to attach badges to Scout uniforms without sewing. From repairing curtains and blankets to patching up backpacks and clothes, our patch magic adhesive girl scouts does it all!Time and Money Saver - Save time, money, and hassle with our patch magic adhesive solution. No more sewing, ironing, or hiring tailors to attach badges.

2024-09-04 21:39:38

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