해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Carnuba Blu Wax - 100% More Wax Than Average Retail Wax - 32 Oz of Pure Liquid Carnauba Coating for Boats, Cars, RVs, ATVs, 4-Wheelers, and Motorcycles - UV Protection High Gloss Detailing Wax

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상품구분 Automotive / Car Care
브랜드 Brand: Yachtex
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $24.99
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THE PERFECT FINISH: Use a coating designed to last longer and do more! Yachtex Carnuba Blu Wax gives a UV-protective, weatherproof, high-shine glossy coat that brings out the color of your paint job and protects it from damage!MULTI-PURPOSE FORMULA: Our Carnauba Waxes use 100% pure carnauba in an easy spread liquid formula that\'s perfect for the toughest outdoor vehicles. Add an amazing shine to boats, RVs, ATVs, 4-Wheelers, Jet Skis, Marine Crafts, Snow Mobiles, Motorcycles, Golf Carts, and Cars!SAFE FOR YOUR VEHICLE: Our custom high-tech formula is a safe top coat for Acrylics, Enamels, Urethanes, Gel-Coats, and Clear Coats. Yachtex\'s Carnauba Wax is made to give a showroom quality finish for almost any coating!MORE PROTECTION: The Original Carnuba Blu Wax protects your vehicle from corrosion, weather, UV sun damage, light scratches, paint fading, and more. It\'s made to stand up to tough marine conditions and gives better longer lasting protection.EASY TO USE: Fast, easy, and simple! Just apply the liquid carnauba wax to a clean microfiber cloth or low-power orbital pad. Just gently apply the wax until it dries to a light haze. Then, use a clean pad and buff in a circular motion. Get waxes that make detailing easy from Yachtex!

2024-06-09 06:36:28

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