해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Upgraded 21000 Lumen Work Lights with Stand, Adjustable Head LED Work Light with Individual Switch, Waterproof Lamp with 38.2"- 75.2" Adjustable and Foldable Tripod Stand

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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Building Supplies
브랜드 Brand: Kweetle
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $75.99
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?【Adjustable height & light direction】 Upgraded Manual twist lock knob and twist lock ring design, no tools required. The body of the led light can be rotated 360° horizontally and 270° vertically, The telescopic tripod can be extended from 35 to 71 inches. Exactly position and regulate illumination to your desired height, range and angle?【Efficient Heat Dissipation】The LED outdoor floodlight adopts fin type heat sink design to increase air contact area, effectively accelerate heat dissipation. Ensures work efficiency and its service life.?【Durable 】: Each lamp head is equipped with 60 super-powerful LED lamp beads. The tempered glass lampshade to protect the lamp beads of the work light, the sealed design can protect the power switch, IP65 Waterproof Design,Durable, stable, and sturdy work light even in harsh conditions.?【Perfect Design & Great Flexibility】: Die-cast aluminum material and unique structural design increase the stability of portable working light and it can be easily adjusted to several different heights, extending from 38.2"(minimum) to 75.2"(maximum). The lights are detachable and can be used with the handle independently to meet your need during work.?【Stable tripod design】The tripod bracket is made of high-strength stainless steel,sturdy, stable and not shaking. Professional yellow paint coating, multiple durable protection suitable for workshops, garages, construction sites, gardens, warehouses.

2024-06-03 06:27:33

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