해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Food Dehydrator for Jerky, Fruit, Meat, Herbs, 12-Tray Stainless Steel Dehydrator Machine, Double-Layer Insulation, Adjustable Timer, Temperature Control, Overheat Protection (67 Recipes)

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DOUBLE-LAYER HEAT INSULATION: Newly upgraded double-layer stainless steel design prevents the surface of the machine from overheating and you from being scalded. Note: the voltage is 120V 60Hz, and the power is 1000W, only applicable to USA and Canada.LARGE CAPACITY: The food dehydrator comes with 12 trays, each tray is 12.5x12.5 inches, suitable for families who need to make a large number of food. Large drying space is perfect for dehydrating various fruits, vegetables, meat, herbs, etc.DIGITAL CONTROL: The time can be precisely controlled from 30 minutes to 24 hours in 30-minute increments by using the digital control panel. And the temperature can be adjusted precisely between 70℉ - 190℉.SAFE TO USE: One minute before the timer is up, the automatic shutdown function will be started immediately, and the cold air will be automatically blown to cool the machine. If the inside of the dehydrator is overheated, the overheat protection function will be activated.SILENT OPERATION: The integrated hot air circulation drying evenly heats all the trays to ensure more uniform drying and less noise generation. 67 recipes, 1 drip tray, 1 silicone glove and 4 silicone mats are given away for free. If you have any questions, don\'t hesitate to contact our customer service team.

2025-01-10 07:08:48

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