해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Handmade Large Decorative Bowl - Wooden Decorative Bowl for Farmhouse Kitchen Counter or Coffee Table Decor, Black

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상품가격 $29.99
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STYLE & DECOR - The latest trend in interior décor, this large decor bowl enhances all interior design styles from modern to traditional including the latest Nordic, Boho and Natural Decor StylesHANDMADE & ALL NATURAL - Individually handcrafted, this wooden bowl is made of 100% natural Paulownia wood and hand-stained with a black finish, perfect for your modern decor and neutral home decorAFFORDABLE LUXURY - Compared to other decorative bowls for home decor found in trendy stores, this bowl offers a high-end luxury look at an affordable price without sacrificing qualityVERSATILE - Measuring 11" round and 4" high, this bowl can be used as a fruit bowl, bread basket, dough bowl, key bowl, or as a stunning bowl decor centerpieceMAKES A GREAT GIFT - Packaged in a quality box, this wooden bowl makes a fantastic gift for housewarmings, holidays or Christmas making it an excellent addition to any collection of wooden bowls decorative
Add a touch of timeless elegance to any space with this decorative bowl, expertly handcrafted from natural Paulownia wood. This large decorative bowl offers a unique, artisan-made charm that suits all interior design styles, from modern to traditional decor trends. This bowl is carefully hand-stained in a sleek black finish, providing a sophisticated yet neutral look for any home decor. Designed as an affordable luxury, this bowl displays a polished aesthetic without compromising on quality. At 11 inches in diameter and 4 inches high, this versatile wooden bowl fits seamlessly on a kitchen counter, coffee table, or entryway, serving as a functional and beautiful piece of bowl decor. Use it as a fruit basket, bread basket, key bowl, or an elegant centerpiece for gatherings. This decorative bowl for home decor makes an excellent gift, packaged in a quality box ideal for housewarmings, holidays, or Christmas. Bring home a blend of natural beauty and modern design with Kristen Decor\'s wooden bowl, a stylish choice for enhancing any space. Q. Will the black finish chip or peel over time? A. No, the black finish is hand-stained to be durable and long-lasting, so it won\'t chip or peel. This decorative bowl is designed to look beautiful and stay that way. Q. Is this bowl sturdy enough to hold items, or is it just for show? A. Made from solid Paulownia wood, this large decorative bowl is both stylish and sturdy perfect for holding fruits, keys or bread etc.

2025-01-08 13:44:06

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