해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DSMJFU Vintage Pink Ceiling Light, Brass Pink Flush Mount Ceiling Light, Porch Ceiling Light Fixtures, Glass Small Semi Flush Mount Ceiling Light Fixtures for Closet Hallway Entryway

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상품가격 $59.88
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【Thickened Glass Shade】The glass shade of this industrial flush mount ceiling light is treated with a thickened finish. The brass base is thick and sturdy and the surface is treated to resist rust and corrosion. The ceiling light fixture has a soft and comfortable brightness that won\'t hurt your eyes. The glass flush mount ceiling light will last and maintain its appearance for a long time.【Easy to install】This hallway ceiling light only needs one bulb for perfect installation, the instructions for installation are inside the package, you can use the instructions for installation, no need to worry about the installation.【Bulb Requirements】 Compatible with 60-watt max E12 based bulbs, including LED, CFL, and Edison bulbs (bulb not included). You can choose from different styles of bulbs and colour temperatures, allowing you to easily create a variety of atmospheres in your home.【Unique Design】This semi flush mount ceiling light consists of a unique white glass shade, design inspired by blooming flowers. The brass gold base with added knurled design elements to add a modern farmhouse style, this cute small ceiling light can bring a soft and comfortable pleasant feeling to a home space.【Sincere Service】 DSMJFU is a company that focuses on ceiling lamps and lanterns and belongs to the field of advanced lamps, no matter what problems we have with our glass flush mount ceiling lights, we hope you will contact us, we hope to make you satisfied with this purchase through our best after-sales support, we will sincerely solve your problems within 24 hours.

2024-10-03 01:27:23

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