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FNTCASE for Samsung Galaxy S23 Case: Heavy Duty Rugged Shockproof Protective Cover with Belt-Clip Holster & Kickstand | Military Grade Protection Rugged Phone Case for Galaxy S23 6.1 inch (Black)

상품번호 B0BPS11RW3
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FNTCASE ONLY for S23 : Include Samsung Galaxy S23 Case with Built-in Kickstand *1, 360°Rotatable Belt-Clip *1, Phone Frame with Built-in Screen Protector *1, Phone Frame without Built-in Screen Protector *1360° Rotatable Belt-Clip: Samsung S23 Case provide a 360° rotatable belt clip, which can be used as a kickstand.This case can protect your phone from damage when working outdoors, sports, camping, traveling. Make more convenient for youMilitary Grade Protection: Galaxy S23 Case have a full-body protection structure design with TPU , which provide anti-drop, impact resistant and scratch proof performance. It also have unique shock absorption design with grooved airbag of corners, raised edges also prevent camera lens from scratching and collisionBuilt-in Kickstand: Samsung S23 Cover is design with built-in kickstand, works perfectly both in vertical and horizontal positions. Making you hands-free on reading, watching movies or face-to-face chattingBuilt-in Screen Protector: Dual-layer design of the Galaxy S23 Cover provide a built-in clear screen protector with sensitive touch performance, which prevent your phone from accidental scratches without any tempered glass screen protector

2024-09-06 12:13:48

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