해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TEEZWONDER Anniversary Wedding, Christmas, Valentines Day, Birthday Gifts for Him, Her, Romantic Gifts for Wife, Girlfriend, Couples Gifts for Boyfriend, Husband, Vanilla Lavender Scented Candle 10oz

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상품가격 $23.94
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CUTE COUPLES GIFT IDEAS - This romantic candle creates great anniversary gift ideas for couples. Also, a romantic gift for her, a cute gift idea for boyfriend, or even a lesbian gift for girlfriend. Choose this cute couple\'s gift to celebrate your relationship and a happy anniversary.ROMANTIC COUPLES GIFTS - Liven up your relationship with your loved ones with our stunning couple candle gifts. It will be a surprise to give this romantic birthday gift and show your love for your loved ones! Moreover, these are also Christmas, Valentine, Anniversary, birthday gifts for couples to symbolize their love.UNIQUE ANNIVERSARY GIFTS - Look no further than our vanilla candle, whether you are looking for anniversary, valentines day gifts for husband and wife or an couple gift with a sentimental message. Ideal gift for boyfriend, husband, romantic I love you gifts for her, or even a date night gift for couples.HIGH-QUALITY VEGAN CANDLE - Our scented candle is made with soy wax and the vanilla lavender blended fragrance creates a great aroma for hours and hours. It\'s free from harmful chemicals and even recyclable! This beautiful glass jar with a lid comes with a burn time of approximately 55 hours.RELAX SCENTED CANDLE - With the aromatized candle burning, it\'s a beautiful decoration for your home and a relaxing effect and increases the feeling of comfort. The candle can be placed in any corner of your house, bedroom, living room, or bathroom.

2024-05-16 14:39:18

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