해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Liquid I.V.® Hydration Multiplier® Sugar-Free - White Peach - Hydration Powder Packets | Electrolyte Powder Drink Mix | Convenient Single-Serving Sticks | Non-GMO | 14 Servings (Pack of 3)

상품번호 B0BQ55VMB8
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상품가격 $69.85
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HYDRATION MIX: Hydration Multipler Sugar-Free is a great-tasting, non-GMO electrolyte drink that delivers superior hydration than water alone.GREAT TASTE: White Peach is delicate and floral, a luscious flavor with notes of pear and pineapple.SCIENCE-BACKED FORMULA: Powered by our proprietary Amino Acid Allulose Blend, our innovative hydration solution with 0 sugar and 0 artificial sweeteners.EXTRAORDINARY HYDRATION: Hydration Multiplier Sugar-Free is made with our proprietary Amino Acid Allulose Blend. It has 3x the electrolytes of the leading sports drink, and 8 vitamins and nutrients. Gluten-free, soy-free, and dairy-free.CONVENIENCE: Single-serving, travel-friendly packets are easy to enjoy on the go. Pour one easy-to-open packet into 16 oz of water, mix or shake, and hydrate.HYDRATION AID: Since 2015, we have donated over 55 million servings of Liquid I.V. to those in need around the globe, and donate over 1% of our revenue to our Impact programs.

2024-09-04 19:45:44

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