해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
7MAGIC Fast-drying Hair Dryer, Foldable Ionic with Storage Bag for Travel, Lightweight Portable Hairdryer for Women & Men, Negative, 2 Heating/Cold/2 Speed Settings, Green

상품번호 B0BQ7388P9
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상품가격 $34.87
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Prevent 99% of the Hair from Being Inhaled - We have upgraded and improved the design of the hair dryer inlet, which can 99% prevent hair from being inhaled. As well as the addition of a removable double safety dust cover can prevent dust and particles from being sucked into the blow dryer. Additional small soft brush accessories, you can always clean the air inlet and dust cover to ensure wind powerBlowing Hair Time 30% Faster than Ordinary Hair Dryer - 7MAGIC hair dryer\'s wind speed is 2 times the other hairdryer; the maximum wind speed is 18m/s; the rotational speed is 32000 RPM. Drying hair is 30% faster than the ordinary hair dryer. It only takes 1-2 minutes for short hair, 3-5 minutes for medium-length hair, and 5-8 minutes for thick and long hairFoldable, Compact, and Light Weight - Folding hair dryer is lightweight (0.88 lbs) and compact size is 7.67*5.11*2.08 inch. It is easy to carry, and store and does not take up space at home. The collapsible travel hair dryer with our storage bag is great for business trips or travel. Suitable for home, school dormitory, gym use, and hair salon for styling3 Temperatures & 2 Speeds & Negative Ion Function - 7MAGIC ionic hair dryer offers 3 temperature settings (COOL/ WARM/ HOT) and 2-speed settings (LOW/ HIGH) for regular drying, quick drying, and hair styling. In addition, our professional hair dryer uses ionic technology to release millions of negative ions to protect hair from heat damage, prevent excessive dryness caused by high temperatures, and maintain the hair\'s natural moistureOverheating Safety Protection Settings - When the internal components of the ionic blow dryer sense that the temperature exceeds the safety range, the professional blow dryer will automatically power off to start the protection mechanism. You can wait for the temperature to drop before using it again. When encountering extreme conditions, the thermal fuse will be irreversibly blown for protection

2024-07-11 22:12:11

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