해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
1938-1944 Australian Silver .925 Shilling Coin. Issued Under King George VI, World War 2 Era Coin. Shilling Graded By Seller Circulated/Worn Condition

상품번호 B0BQPXH6Y2
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The Australian shilling, also known as a "bob," was a silver coin used in Australia before the country switched to a decimal currency system.The shilling was part of Australia\'s silver coinage, which also included the two-shilling florin, the sixpence, and the threepence. It was first issued in 1910 after the passage of the Australian Coinage Act 1909 and remained in circulation until 1963. The design of the shilling was based on the British shilling, but with some modifications to distinguish it from the British coin.Initially, 1,000 shillings were minted each year, but this number increased to around 10,000 per year towards the end of the shilling\'s circulation. Along with other silver coins such as the sixpence and two-shilling coin, the shilling was phased out in 1966 as part of the transition to a decimal currency system.Prior to the formation of the Federation of Australia in 1901, British shillings were used as a universal currency throughout the British Empire. In 1825, the British Royal Mint began sending silver coins worth 166,000 pounds to Australia. After the creation of the Federation of Australia, the country decided to issue its own currency. The Coinage Act 1909 led to the production of Australian shillings in the Heaton Mint in Birmingham and the Royal Mint in London.In 1916, the Melbourne Mint began producing silver coins, including shillings, in Australia. While there were some minor changes to Australian silver coinage over the next 50 years, the design of the shilling remained largely unchanged. There were, however, certain years in which Australian shillings were not issued for circulation, including 1923, 1929, 1930, 1932, 1937, 1947, 1949, and 1951.
Australian Silver Shilling Coin.

2024-07-11 12:01:53

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