해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Front Propeller Drive Shaft 26.25" Front Drive Prop Shaft Assembly Compatible with 2001-2003 D-oo-d-gg-e Du-ra-an-go 2001-2006 D-oo-d-gg-e Da-koo-ta, 52105982AC, 65-9151, 938-014

상품번호 B0BQYH2YR2
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: HaroldDol
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $95.00
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✨ 【Product Parameters】Type:Driveshaft, Surface Finish:Polished, Placement on Vehicle: Front, Fitment Type:Direct Replacement✨ 【Product Size】Un-expanded Length:26.25",Expanded Length:28"✨ 【OEM Part Number】52105982AC, 65-9151, 938-014✨ 【Fits (For the reference)】FITS 4WD / 4x4 MODELS ONLY✨ 【Warm Tips】The product adapts to more models, please see the detailed description. If you have any questions, please consult us in time
NOTE: Installation Manual Is NOT Included Professional Installation Is Highly Recommended Features: 1.100% brand new and high quality,Durable. 2. It could correctly replace the original quality part. 3. High speed balanced 4. Un-expanded Length:26.25" 5. Expanded Length:28" Fits (For the reference): FITS 4WD / 4x4 MODELS ONLY Dodge 2005 Dakota Sport 4WD, 5-Speed, Automatic Transmission 2002,2004 Dakota SXT 4WD 2001-2004 Dakota (submodel: Base, SLT, Sport) 4WD 2004 Dakota (submodel: SLT Plus, Sport Plus) 4WD 2005-2006 Dakota (submodel: Laramie, SLT, ST) 4WD, 5-Speed, Automatic Transmission 2001 Durango Base 4WD 2003 Durango SXT 4WD 2001-2003 Durango (submodel: R/T, SLT) 4WD 2002-2003 Durango (submodel: SLT Plus, Sport) 4WD Mitsubishi 2006 Raider DuroCross 4WD, 5-Speed, Automatic Transmission OEM Part Number: 52105982AC, 65-9151, 938-014 Package includes: 1 x Front Drive Shaft

2024-07-11 10:47:34

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