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Daughter Gifts - to My Daughter Engraved Night Light, Daughter Gift from Mom on Mothers Day, Valentines Day, Graduation, Wedding, Birthday Gifts for Daughters

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상품가격 $12.99
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Daughter Gift from Mom: Show your daughter how much you love her no matter the distance with this Night Light. Perfect gift for your daughter\'s birthday, graduation, wedding, engagement, back to school, Mother\'s Day, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas. This special nightlight is a perfect reminder of your love, even when you\'re apart.Unique Gifts for Daughter: This heart-shaped night light is engraved with beautiful butterfly patterns and touching words - "even when I\'m not close by, I want you to know I love you and I am so proud of you always..." With a warm and gentle light, she\'ll be able to drift off easily and always wake up feeling safe, secure and loved.Decoration Night Light: Not only can a night light be a gift for her to show love but it can also be used as a decoration to decorate her bedroom. It can place it on the bedside, tabletop, bookshelf, etc. To create a warm and cozy atmosphere.Safety & Quality Material: Our LED night lamp is made of high-quality acrylic and plastic material, which is firm and durable, safe and environmentally friendly, and not dazzling. A variety of USB power supply methods can be charged through a computer, mobile power supply or adapter, which is very convenient.Package Included: 1 x Acrylic plate + 1 x Light base with a USB cable + 1 x Cleaning Cloth. This unique night light measures 6.6" x 5.5" x 3.8", and it packs in a beautiful gift box.

2024-07-10 16:49:19

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