해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cool Mist Humidifier,Elecameier Top Fill Smart Humidifier for Plants with Automatic Humidity Control,Air Humidifier for Bedroom with Essential Oil Diffuser and Remote Control and Auto Shut Off

상품번호 B0BR8TY7H7
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Heating, Cooling & Air Quality
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상품가격 69.99
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[2 in 1 Cool Mist Humidifier with Portable USB Fan ]The highlight of this cool mist humidifier is that it’s fog outlet is a small USB fan, so it provides greater fog volume and a longer distance than other humidifiers. In addition, the small USB fan can be disassembled for use on the desk . 4L large capacity water tank can work continuously for 11-26 hours, perfect humidifier for bedroom large room, baby room, and nursery.[Top Fill Humidifier & Easy to Clean]This top-fill humidifier with a separate tank design, you can pour water directly into the tank or take the tank out and fill it under the faucet to save your effort. The wide-mouth water tank design allows for more careful cleaning of the machines. So that you can enjoy cleaner and safer steam.[Humidifier for Plants with Constant Humidity]Run humidity mode (45-95%RH) to control the mist output to keep the room at a comfortable humidity level at all times. When the set humidity level is reached, the machine will stop working. 120°rotation allows the mist to moisten every corner, which is a best humidifier for plants![Essential Oil Humidifiers with Three Mist Modes]The water tank of this air humidifier is made of PP material, so you can add your favorite essential oil directly without worrying about damaging the machine. 3 mist levels can be switched at will according to your needs. The scent will diffuse into the room with a cool mist to bring you a good day.[Quiet Ultrasonic Humidifier for bedroom]The smart humidifier with remote control runs only 35 db with no dripping sounds. 4L water tank can run continuously for 26 hours from night to dawn. Also, it will auto shut off when it runs out of water, ensuring your safety and preventing the machine from overheating.

2024-10-01 17:09:47

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