해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Large 15L Insulated Bag- Reusable Cooler Thermal Box, Leakproof Refrigerator Container for Men & Women with Adjustable Shoulder Strap for 12 Milk Bottles, Ballgames, Kayaking

상품번호 B0BR8WML1K
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상품가격 $19.99
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300D PolyesterImportedINSULATED COOLER BAG: This lunch bag is insulated, perfect for everything from picnics to ballgames to Kayak. You can keep breastmilk cool for up to 24H (using ice packs) at 58°F, while the cooler on its own will keep your food cool for up to 8 hours and warm for up to 5 hours.HIGH CAPACITY: You\'ll love how much you can fit into this large lunch bag. There\'s all the space you\'ll need using this lunch bag, with an amazing 15-liter capacity in the main compartment, complete with an easy-use metal zipper, and three large outer pockets for all your snacks and cutlery.QUALITY MATERIALS: We make this lunch bag for men and women from BPA and phthalate-free materials, making it completely PEVA food-safe. The hot-pressed lining of the insulated lunch box is 100% seamless, ensuring that the interior is entirely leakproof, keeping any spills inside.STURDY MAKE: You can trust that this lunch cooler is made with sturdiness in mind, with reinforced handles and an adjustable strap. The outer lining of our reusable lunch bags is water-resistant, while the inside is fully waterproof, making it easy to wipe clean after a picnic.ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES: A reusable lunch box for adults is a simple but effective way to support sustainability, being a handy alternative to single-use plastic bags. We also pledge to plant trees for every single lunch bag we sell, supporting the reforestation process across the world.

2024-05-16 22:43:41

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