해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Adam’s Glass Cleaner 2-Pack - Car Window Cleaner | Car Wash All-Natural Streak Free Formula for Car Cleaning | Safe On Tinted & Non-Tinted Glass | Won’t Strip Car Wax or Paint Protection

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Some would say "if it ain\'t broke, don\'t fix it" but at Adam\'s Polishes, when we see an opportunity to improve a product, we take it! Our Glass Cleaner has been a favorite of enthusiasts and professionals for years, so finding a way to make a customer favorite even better was no small job. We are happy to say though, that our new and improved formula builds on the fantastic reputation of our previous generation Glass Cleaner. Adam\'s New & Improved Formula Glass Cleaner takes advantage of new breakthroughs in polymer technology to create a cleaner that contains no harmful or harsh chemicals, cleans effortlessly even in unforgiving conditions, and features optical clarifiers that help improve clarity and visibility. The added bonus of a new UV-stable formula and scent mean the experience of using our Glass Cleaner will be just as great as the results it produces. The New Forumla is still safe for factory and aftermarket tinted windows and works great on both the inside or outside of your glass. So use Adam\'s Glass Cleaner to remove those fingerprints and haze from the inside - the new and improved formula will leave your glass clean and streak free. Plus it works great on navigation screens, flat screen televisions, smartphones, sunglasses, and all the glass around your home as well! Use with an Adam\'s Microfiber Glass Cleaning towel for effortless, streak free performance on shower doors, bathroom mirrors, and your home windows. The eco-friendly formula is safe around pets and kids, with no harmful additives that are bad for the environment or your family. PRO TIP! All glass cleaners are sensitive to dirty towels. So, if you use a towel that has previously been used for polishing or waxing, remaining product residue is bound to leach out and smear your glass. Dedicated glass towels are your best bet, and make sure that saturated towels are replaced with fresh ones for maximum performance.

2025-01-10 09:19:51

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