해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HD Monocular with Smartphone Adapter, KEEPSYNC High Powered FMC Lens & BAK4 Prism Telescopes for Adults, 12x50 Sky Captain Monocular Telescope for Bird Watching Hunting Hiking Camping Travelling

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【True 12X50 HD Magnification】KEEPSYNC Monocular designed for handheld use, offering a 12x magnification and a large 50mm objective lens for proper magnification and clear imaging. Note that as magnification increases, even the slightest movements are amplified. Too high magnification may result in unstable and unreliable performance. Our monoculars guarantee true magnification and are designed for optimum stability and image quality.【Portability & Compact Design】This monocular telescope, with its compact size and weight comparable to a smartphone, can be effortlessly carried in a pocket. The convenience of single-handed operation makes it an excellent companion for cruise trips or exploring Yellowstone National Park, ensuring ease of use and enhancing your travel experience.【Premium FMC Coating & BAK-4 Prism Lens】Featuring a larger BAK-4 prism and fully multi-coated lens coating, the zoomable portable monocular telescope achieves an exceptional light transmission rate of over 99.5%, delivering clear and sharp images. Rest assured, with KEEPSYNC Monocular, you can expect a true and stable viewing experience.【Flexible & Adaptable & Versatile】The monocular telescope offers the flexibility to be used with or without eyeglasses, accommodating users with different visual needs. Additionally, with the availability of tripod and smartphone adapters, it becomes an ideal choice for capturing photos and videos. This versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of scenarios, from bird watching and hunting to sporting events and travel photography.【IPX7 Nitrogen-filled Waterproof Design】Featuring an IPX7 nitrogen-filled waterproof design, this monoculars for adults is built to handle extreme weather conditions with ease. It remains fog-proof and reliable even in wet environments, making it your trusted companion for outdoor adventures and snorkeling.

2024-11-30 08:23:36

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