해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
CONISY Men Ties, Classic Formal Men's Necktie Set with Pocket Square, Cufflinks and Tie Clip

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상품가격 $15.99
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1. You want a snazzy looking, unique tie that is GREAT quality and is guaranteed to get you compliments? Conisy tie is the way to go! Our tie is made of exquisite jacquard fabric and unique design to provide a gorgeous and classic look, to meet the real demand of the vogue and decent collection. Essential for any gentleman\'s clothing! 2. Elegant Mens Neckties: An exquisite accessory can make a normal dress more elegant in most cases. Sometimes you can pick a new tie to light up an old suit. We are real tie lovers and developers, We have an enormous selection of ties to choose from, you can find the most elegant necktie designs and colors for each season of the year. 3. Applicable Occasions: Looking for a tie for daily work, an important meeting, wedding reception, a presentation or big date night you have coming up?Conisy fashionable tie, can be used for casual and formal occasions. Suitable for any occasion: business, wedding, college, anniversary, Christmas, Thanksgiving, decorations party, prom, homecoming. 4. High Quality Made : Adopting the soft and good texture, comfortable to wear and touch, gives you more confidence, a nice design to attract more. Each one is carefully designed by a professional designer, feature with unique shape design, this bow tie can make you out of ordinary. 5. Fabulous Gift Set: Handmade for high quality.Not only for personal use, but also for gifts to your love ones,such as father,son,boyfriend,friend,husband. It\'s Proper gift for Father\'s Day,Christmas Day,Valentine\'s Day,Thanksgiving Day,Anniversary,birthday ect. 6. Note: 1. Dry clean only. If cared for properly, our handmade ties can last a long time. Never place ties in washer or dryer as this will ruin the fabric and damage the sewing of the tie. 2. There might be some wrinkle after packing,it can be easily removed by using steam iron.

2024-02-13 22:23:04

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