해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
QMVESS Silicone Kitchen Utensil Set, 28 Pcs Non-Stick Cooking Utensils Set with Holder, Tongs, Spatula, Whisk, Measuring Cups and Spoons Set with Stainless Steel Handle Kitchen Gadgets (Light Green)

상품번호 B0BRYHC72Q
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상품가격 $29.99
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✅ FOOD GRADE SILICONE: The cooking utensil set is made of silicone head combined with high quality stainless steel handles to ensure lightweight and durable for daily use. Designed not to bend, break or rust easily. Food grade silicone head has no harsh chemical odor. The stainless steel handle with silicone protects your hands from burns.✅ DURABLE AND HEAT RESISTANT: Utensil sets cooking can withstand temperatures up to 446°F/230°C and they won\'t melt when stirring food directly in the pan. The all-around silicone adds softness, no more worrying about food sticking to your cookware. Extend the life of all your kitchen pots and pans.✅ EASY TO CLEAN, DISHWASHER READY: Silicone utensils for cooking cutlery set is easy to clean, just wipe it with hot water or put it in the dishwasher, no need to worry about machine washing will cause damage to the product. The small hole on the handle allows you to hang and store it without taking up space.✅ 28 HIGH QUALITY KITCHEN UTENSILS SET: We have carefully considered most of the scenarios needed for kitchen use and carefully selected 28 different kitchen utensils to make your cooking more fun and easy. For example, deep soup, serving spoon, pasta server, flexible pouring brush, mixer, tongs, silicone spatula oven mitt, egg separator.✅ GREAT GIFT: A complete kitchen set like this makes a very creative gift. Perfect for house warming gifts, wedding gifts, Mother\'s Day gifts, holiday gifts and other gifts on your gift list. We can foresee the joy and surprise on the face of your friend or mother who receives the gift. If you have any problems with your purchase or use, we will be happy to help you. Please contact us and we will respond promptly within 12 hours.

2024-05-16 19:35:03

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