해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Magpul DAKA Grid Gun Case Organizer Foam Insert for Multi-Purpose Hard Case (Foam Only, Case not Included)

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상품가격 $124.14
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A fully customizable drop-in organizational solution designed to secure and protect your most sensitive equipment when stored or transported in a hard caseIndividual Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) end panels and center panels nest securely together to create a storage solution that maximizes protection and increases versatility; Organizational DAKA Blocks are easily pressed into the GRID Base in your preferred configuration and can be quickly removed and reinstalled to fit almost any itemA simple, drop-in storage system specifically designed to fit two of Pelican’s most popular hard gun cases (Pelican Vault V730 and Pelican Vault V800); The EPP GRID base was designed to fit perfectly in between each Pelican case and comes with a set of GRID Blocks that can be organized to brace and secure rifles, clips, optics, accessories, and other gearLightweight EPP blocks provide advanced protection and eliminate shifting of gear during transport, resulting in better impact resistance and stronger protection for your gear and provides numerous advantages over traditional case foam, pick and pluck foam, or expensive laser-cut inserts; The system can be completely reconfigured without tools or additional cutting, allowing for quick and easy adjustments so you can maximize the case’s storage capacity and capability each time it’s usedThe GRID’s EPP construction provides resistance to chemical intrusion and damage, and clean-up of any dirt or liquids is easy with a damp cloth; Simple to configure, the DAKA GRID Organizer lets you use every inch of the case to store and securely carry your gear the way you want; NOTE: Includes foam only, hard case NOT included

2024-07-10 17:46:57

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