해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Nilight 6" Oval Red LED Trailer Tail Light Surface Mount 2PCS 10 LED Waterproof Stop Brake Turn Trailer Lights for Truck RV Boat Bus Lorry Camper Van Caravan

상품번호 B0BS18HR3K
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상품가격 $15.38
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【Super Bright】Each trailer tail light is equipped with 10PCS high-quality 3030 LED chips to output super bright red light, high brightness of Turn or Brake light, low brightness for Taillight, providing maximum visibility and safety. Compared with halogen bulb, LEDs have the characteristics of fast light emission, low energy consumption, and high brightness.【Ready For The Weather】Made of high-quality ABS and PC lens, using ultrasonic welding technology to ensure waterproof, shock-proof and dust-proof sealing. Everything we do is to make it easier for you to cope with the complicated climatic environment.【Free of Cutting Holes】Surface mount design, free of doing measurement and cutting holes.【Easy to Install】White Wire - ground, Red wire - high brightness for brake or stop light, Black wire - low brightness for tail or running light. With 8 self-tapping screws, just use a gundrill, screwdriver or other tools to mount to metal. Note: This is NOT plug and play type wire harness, is hard wired.【Wide Applications】Can be used as tail light, turn signal, stop light, side marker light, clearance light, rear light. Ideal for most 12V vehicles and devices such as trucks, trailers, bus, RV, pickup, tractors, semi-trailer, boat trailer, horse trailer, travel trailer, dump truck, etc.【Package Include】2 pcs 6" oval tail light, 8 self-tapping screws

2025-01-07 09:14:00

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