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Silverback for iPhone 14 Pro Max Case with Stand, MagSafe-Compatible Case with Built-in Camera Cover,Magnetic Phone Case Shockproof DustProof Cover for iPhone 14 Pro Max - Clear

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상품가격 14.39
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【COMPATIBILITY】for iPhone 14 Pro Max ONLY - Please check your model type before purchasing.【CAMERA LENS PROTECTION】Our phone case provides complete coverage over the camera lens to protect it from damage in case of drops. It is designed to be easily opened when you are ready to use your phone\'s camera, and when closed, it can protect your privacy and security.【CAMERA GUARD & KICKSTAND】Doubles as an adjustable kickstand with between 30° and 105° viewing angles. Can stand up in 3 different positions.【MAGSAFE COMPATIBLE】Includes a built in magnetic ring that is compatible with MagSafe enabled accessories such as wireless chargers, car mounts, and magnetic card holders. Ensures a strong magnetic connection.【DUST-PROOF AND DROP-PROOF】Our case camera lens cover includes a unique buckle design to enable a tight and firm closure. Can withstand dust and sand from entering the camera lens and fully protects the camera lenses.

2024-11-27 10:16:25

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