해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
R4 - 4 Channel Dash Cam W/ All Around 1080p Resolution, Wi-Fi, GPS, IR Night Vision, Parking Mode, Collision Detection, Type-C Port

상품번호 B0BSRG92K2
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상품가격 $249.99
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4-Channel Dash Cam - Cover all sides as you drive with a 4-channel dash cam made to capture your front, rear, left and right view. A fully customizable experience with the option to turn the left/right cameras(each w/ 4 IR lights) in to face your cabin.All around 1080p Resolution - All around 1080p resolution makes for the highest quality footage possible. Important details are seen with clarity and will never be lost when zooming-in to get a closer view.Built-in Wi-Fi & GPS - Highspeed Wi-Fi allows you to transfer video files straight to your mobile device with the use of our Rexing Connect App. The internal GPS Logger will track the speed and location of your vehicle to view details about your trip during playback w/ the use of our GPS player.Parking Mode & Collision Detection – With parking mode, the dash cam is on alert for a collision even when your vehicle is turned off. When the camera detects movement, it will start to record and then turn off again to save energy. Important files will be saved to a separate folder safe from overwriting when a collision is detected. (Parking mode requires Rexing type-C smart hardwire kit.)Secure Installation - There are two ways to mount this camera. You can either use an adhesive mount or a suction cup mount to securely install your device onto the windshield of your vehicle.Loop Recording - You’ll never run out of storage space. Loop recording automatically overwrites the oldest footage with the newest so you can keep on recording.Optional CPL Filter - We recommend purchasing the CPL filter we designed for use with this specific camera in order to reduce the glare that often occurs due to headlights and street lights.Type-C Charging Port – Includes Type-C port charging cable that plugs into your vehicle\'s cigarette lighter socket to power the dash cam.SIMPLE INSTALLATION - Simple & easy to mount on the windshield which makes for an overall straightforward installation process. Need help? Email or call our personal LIVE CUSTOMER SUPPORT. We stand behind our products with a***18 Month Warranty ***

2024-04-04 17:52:26

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